Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Small Way to Make a Big Career Impact

Whether you just started at your new job or you’ve been working at the same company for a few years, you’re likely searching for a way to make sure you get the life that you’ve always dreamed of. Though you can’t control every opportunity that comes your way, you are in control of the way in which you interact with others in the workplace and how you present yourself to the working world.

How to Live an Impactful Life

If you’re tired of doing the same routine everyday from the time you clock in until the time you leave, you’re searching for something more. Regardless of what type of job you have, you have the power to make an impact in your life, as well as the lives of others. Keep reading to discover six ways you can make a lasting impact in your career.

Impactful Career Advice

  1. Never Assume Everyone Knows What You’re Thinking

In the working world, it’s safe to assume that everyone is overwhelmed with achieving their own goals and meeting their individual deadlines. The pressure is on and it’s easy for everyone else to be so overcome by their own needs that they forget to consider others. As you spend your days working through projects and signing deals with new clients, don’t forget to bring everyone else into the loop.

It’s easy to get lost in one’s own head while trying to reach new levels of productivity at work. That’s why so many people communicate ineffectively with one another–they are under the impression that everyone else shares the same knowledge and perspective on your issues as you do. In reality, most people won’t even know what you’re talking about if you don’t begin your conversation or emails with a clear explanation and reference as to what you’re talking about.

This miscommunication is what leads to so many work-related issues. By assuming that everyone else is on the same page as you, you’re forcing others to jump to their own conclusions. Instead of accidentally leaving people in the dark, always make a point to focus on clarity and conciseness when communicating with anyone about anything.


  1. Consider the Importance of How You Say Something

As you work to communicate effectively with team members, clients, and associates, always get into the habit of considering how you say certain things. Even if you mean well, things can be misconstrued if the message is delivered in a way that is offensive, rude, or unthoughtful. As you communicate with others, make it a point to share each message in a way that makes the other person feel important.

For example, if you are passing on words of encouragement or positive news, try to create a pleasant atmosphere when speaking with the other person. Give the recipient of this news your full attention, speak kindly, and always be willing to hear the other person out if they want to talk.


  1. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Positivity

In corporate culture, positive people make a lasting impact. In a world that is all too often characterised by people using others to get ahead, an individual that chooses to be positive and encouraging stands out. Making an effort to praise other people is a great way to encourage a culture of positivity in your workplace.

Go out of your way to compliment others for their hard work. Whether you send a co-worker a text thanking them for their help on a project, write out a post-it note to a team member with a few encouraging words, or email a client sharing your gratitude, these small acts of gratitude and positivity will work towards making your work environment a better place.

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  1. Take the Lead at Work

In addition to making positivity a priority, choosing to take the lead at work will show that you are a go-getter that isn’t just at work to collect a pay check. Choosing to spearhead new ideas, create unique proposals, and always take the lead will show that you want to keep advancing in your professional journey.

As others take notice of your trailblazing qualities, they’ll give you more responsibility and view you as an individual that isn’t afraid of hard work. With this level of resourcefulness and self-motivation, you’ll find that you’ll be presented with more opportunities to grow in both your personal and professional lives.


  1. Always Push for Self-Improvement

Self-improvement is essential to growing your career. Regardless of how well you do your job now, there’s always more information that you can learn. If you’re hoping to have a major impact in your company and the rest of the world, become addicted to bettering yourself. By making a commitment to continue learning, you’ll find that you’re constantly challenged to overcome limitations that you never realised existed.

This push to consistently improve will allow you a certain level of humility that will help you excel in your professional life. The most innovative people are the ones that are open to experience new things and grow in their understanding of the world.


  1. Become a Problem Solver

While some people spend time worrying over problems, individuals that make lasting change always find the potential in every situation. Rather than spending their energy complaining about the status quo, they take it upon themselves to push boundaries to create change. Even if no one else sees the potential in what you’re doing, they keep pushing until the problem is solved.

Individuals that find ways to create solutions to work-related issues leave a lasting impact on the company they work for. As you work to bring these improvements to your workplace, eventually, your employers will acknowledge your problem solving skills and likely expand your responsibilities, as well as raise your compensation.

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If you’re hoping to make an impact in your professional life, keep this advice in mind. For more opportunities to grow, be sure to submit your CV and subscribe to our email list.

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A Small Way to Make a Big Career Impact

The post A Small Way to Make a Big Career Impact appeared first on Future Work.

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